There's no avoiding it. Winter's coming. Already in Whistler we're seeing our fair share of snow. So this Winter take the necessary precautions when it comes to snow shoveling!
Snow shoveling is the number one cause of back injury during the winter months.
If not done right, shoveling snow can lead to injury such as a painful muscle strain, or possibly something more serious such as a herniated disk.
Here are some tips to help you avoid lower back injury and pain during the winter season.
The right shovel makes all the difference.
An ergonomically designed shovel can take some of the strain off of your snow shoveling.
Look for ones with a curved handle or an adjustable handle length this will help minimize bending over when shoveling.
Warm up.
Remember, warmed up muscles are less prone to injury than cold tight muscles.
Do a five to ten minute warm up before shoveling.
To warm up go for a walk. This well get your blood moving. Also do some stretches.
When it comes time to shovel, pace yourself. Remove a little at a time. Do not try to shovel the full depth all at once.
Take a break every 10 – 15 minutes or if you feel over worked if necessary.
Stretch out your arms and back as well to help keep them warm and flexible.
Ergonomic Lifting tips and Techniques:
- Always face the object you intend to lift
- Bend at your hips, not the lower back. Keep your chest up and bend at the knees and lift with your legs, keeping your back straight.
- Keep your loads light.
- If a load is heavy keep one hand as close to the blade and one on the handle.
- Avoid twisting your back to move a load, always pivot and move your whole body.
- Walk to the area where you wish to dump the snow.
- When gripping the shovel keep your hands about 12 inches apart this will provide better stability and reduce the chance of injury.